A Message From Luke!

25 08 2008

So this definitely isn’t the Gamer Lounge’s longest or, for that matter, best episode and I don’t want to sully our reputation. So what do I do? Put out “A Message from Luke!” 😀 As you can probably tell from the title, I’m alone in this episode as well. However, that does not mean it’s a waste of your time! I cover Assassin’s Creed, Castle Crashers, Fighting Games, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Knights of the Old Republic, and Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War!

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Yet Another Star Wars Character in Soulcalibur

7 06 2008

Well, it looks like the main character from The Force Unleashed is now joining Yoda and Darth Vader as yet another Star Wars character in Soulcalibur 4. I believe it is still true that the 360 version will get Yoda and the PS3 will get Vader. Will this “secret apprentice” be offered to both consoles then? Or will they make us pay extra from Xbox LIVE to unlock him? While this Soulcaliber game looks cool, I think this new addition should have been left out and saved for The Force Unleashed. Surely they don’t need to have Star Wars characters to be successful? Or do they? There has already been tons of advertisements for The Force Unleashed and something tells me within a week before it comes out, everyone on the planet will have heard of it.

Anyway, you can check out more images and a trailer of the game HERE.